Dont judge a book by its cover...
Miguel Alvarez Murry, I am 21 years young and still adding to that. Mixed African American and Mexican American, but am identified more into the African culture rather than with the Mexican. Born and raised in Sacramento, California, THE CAPITAL! I dance, write, and help children who are being abused on the daily. Drug free! I'm out here trying to better myself. Focused on representing the African males who get misjudged by many because of society. Those who get criticized because the color of their skin, ONLY because society has put them out to be these BAD people. These "black people" are capable of a lot more than what many people think. I'm here to show for that. What makes a light skin colored human better than a dark skin person? As the saying goes, "Dont judge a book by its cover," in this case I'm the book, READ ME, STUDY ME, AND LEARN ABOUT ME...